Med pennantnummer:
F 310
Navn: KNM «Fridtjof Nansen»
Kjølstrekking 9. april 2003
Sjøsatt: 3. juni 2004
Satt i tjeneste: 5. april 2006
F 311
Navn:KNM «Roald Amundsen»
Kjølstrekking 3. juni 2004

Sjøsatt: 25. mai 2005
Satt i tjeneste: 21. mai 2007
F 312
Navn: KNM «Otto Sverdrup»
Kjølstrekking: 25. mai 2005
Sjøsatt: 28. april 2006
Satt i tjeneste: 30. april 2008
F 313
Navn: KNM «Helge Ingstad»
Kjølstrekking: 28. april 2006
Sjøsatt: 23. november 2007
Satt i tjeneste:29. september 2009
F 314
Navn: KNM «Thor Heyerdahl»
Kjølstrekking: 23. november 2007
Sjøsatt: 11. februar 2009
Satt i tjeneste: 18. januar 2011
Fartøysnavnene stammer fra følgende personer
som alle har som fellestrekk at de var "utforskere" eller oppdagere som har oppnådd verdensry for sine aktiviteter eller særskilte oppdagelser.

KILDE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fridtjof_Nansen
Fridtjof Wedel-Jarlsberg Nansen (10 October 1861 – 13 May 1930) was a Norwegian explorer, scientist, diplomat, humanitarian and Nobel laureate. In his youth a champion skier and ice skater, he led the first crossing of the Greenland interior in 1888, and won international fame after reaching a record northern latitude of 86°13' during his North Pole expedition of 1893–96. Although he retired from exploration after his return to Norway, his techniques of polar travel and his innovations in equipment and clothing influenced a generation of subsequent Arctic and Antarctic expeditions.
Nansen studied zoology at the University of Christiania, and later worked as a curator at the Bergen Museum where his work on the central nervous system of lower marine creatures earned him a doctorate and helped establish modern theories of neurology. After 1896 his main scientific interest switched to oceanography; in the course of his researches he made many scientific cruises, mainly in the North Atlantic, and contributed to the development of modern oceanographic equipment. As one of his country's leading citizens, in 1905 Nansen spoke out for the ending of Norway's union with Sweden, and was instrumental in persuading Prince Charles of Denmark to accept the throne of the newly-independent Norway. Between 1906 and 1908 he served as the Norwegian representative in London, where he helped negotiate the Integrity Treaty that guaranteed Norway's independent status.
In the final decade of his life Nansen devoted himself primarily to the League of Nations, following his appointment in 1921 as the League's High Commissioner for Refugees. In 1922 he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his work on behalf of the displaced victims of the First World War and related conflicts. Among the initiatives he introduced was the "Nansen passport" for stateless persons, a certificate recognised by more than 50 countries. He worked on behalf of refugees until his sudden death in 1930, after which the League established the Nansen International Office for Refugees to ensure that his work continued. This office received the Nobel Peace Prize for 1938. Nansen was honoured by many nations, and his name is commemorated in numerous geographical features, particularly in the polar regions.

KILDE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roald_Amundsen
Roald Engelbregt Gravning Amundsen (Norwegian pronunciation: [ˈɾuːɑl ˈɑmʉnsən]; 16 July 1872 – c. 18 June 1928) was a Norwegian explorer of polar regions. He led the first Antarctic expedition to reach the South Pole between 1910 and 1912. He was the first person to reach both the North and South Poles.[1][2] He is also known as the first to traverse the Northwest Passage. He disappeared in June 1928 while taking part in a rescue mission. Amundsen, along with Douglas Mawson, Robert Falcon Scott, and Ernest Shackleton, was a key expedition leader during the Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration.
Amundsen was born to a family of Norwegian shipowners and captains in Borge, between the towns Fredrikstad and Sarpsborg. His father was Jens Amundsen. He was the fourth son in the family. His mother chose to keep him out of the maritime industry of the family and pressured him to become a doctor, a promise that Amundsen kept until his mother died when he was aged 21, whereupon he quit university for a life at sea.[3] Amundsen had hidden a lifelong desire inspired by Fridtjof Nansen's crossing of Greenland in 1888 and the doomed Franklin expedition. As a result, he decided on a life of intense exploration.

KILDE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otto_Sverdrup
Otto Neumann Knoph Sverdrup (31 October 1854 – 26 November 1930) was a Norwegian sailor and Arctic explorer.
He was born in Bindal as a son of farmer Ulrik Frederik Suhm Sverdrup (1833–1914) and his wife Petra Neumann Knoph (1831–1885).[1] He was a great-grandnephew of Georg Sverdrup and Jacob Liv Borch Sverdrup, first cousin twice removed of Harald Ulrik and Johan Sverdrup, second cousin once removed of Jakob, Georg and Edvard Sverdrup, third cousin of Georg Johan, Jakob, Mimi, Leif and Harald Ulrik Sverdrup.[2] He was a brother-in-law of Johan Vaaler, and Otto himself married his own first cousin, Gretha Andrea Engelschiøn (1866–1937), in October 1891 in Kristiania.[1] Their daughter Audhild Sverdrup (1893–1932) married Carl Johan Sverdrup Marstrander.[3]
His father was born on Buøy in Kolvereid municipality. As oldest son Otto was heir to the Sverdrup properties at Buøy. However, he left it all to his younger brothers and went to Åbygda in Bindal, to the farm named Hårstad, where Otto Sverdrup was born. In 1872, at the age of 17, Otto Sverdrup returned to Nærøy, to Ottersøy where his uncle Søren worked in transportation with his own vessels. Here Sverdrup started his career as a seaman and after a while he was sailing abroad. In 1875 he passed his mate's examination, and some years later the shipmaster's examination.
In 1877 Sverdrup's parents moved from Bindal to the farm Trana outside Steinkjer. At this time O.T. Olsen, a teacher and employee in the bank at Kolvereid and a relative of his mother, had purchased the steamboat TRIO. Sverdrup was employed as captain. Around this time Sverdrup also met the lawyer Alexander Nansen who lived in Namsos. He was the brother of Fridtjof Nansen and through him Sverdrup and Fridtjof Nansen learned to know each other.
KILDE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helge_Ingstad
Helge Marcus Ingstad (30 December 1899 – 29 March 2001) was a Norwegian explorer. After mapping some Norse settlements, Ingstad and his wife Anne Stine, an archaeologist, in 1960 found remnants of a Viking settlement in L'Anse aux Meadows in the Province of Newfoundland in Canada.[2] With that they were the first to prove conclusively that the Greenlandic Norsemen had found a way across the Atlantic Ocean to North America, roughly 500 years before Christopher Columbus and John Cabot. He also thought that the mysterious disappearance of the Greenland Viking settlement in the 14/15th century could be explained by their emigration to North America.
Helge Ingstad was born to Olav Ingstad and Olga Marie Qvam. His father was municipal engineer in Tromsø and held the title of factory supervisor. Helge grew up in Bergen, and after graduating cand. jur. in 1922 he took up a practice of lawyer in Levanger.
Helge Ingstad was originally a lawyer by profession, but, ever an outdoorsman, he sold his successful law practice in Levanger and went to Canada's Northwest Territories as a trapper in 1926. For the next three years, the Norwegian travelled with the local Indian tribe known as the Caribou Eaters. After returning to Norway, he wrote the bestselling Pelsjegerliv ("Trapper Life") about his time in Canada, published in English as The Land of Feast and Famine (Knopf, 1933).
Ingstad was the governor (Sysselmann) of Erik the Red's Land in 1932–33, when Norway annexed that eastern part of Greenland. The Permanent Court of International Justice in The Hague decided that the lands belonged to Denmark, and so the official Norwegian presence had to end. Following the verdict, Ingstad was summoned by the government to the job as governor of Svalbard (Spitsbergen and the surrounding islands) — a position suiting him uniquely, considering his profession of law and his experience in Arctic living.

Thor Heyerdahl 1914-2002
The Norwegian explorer, Thor Heyerdahl, died in his sleep on Wednesday night, aged 87.
Thor Heyerdahl leapt into the headlines of the international press when in August. 1947, his hand-made raft called Kontiki arrived in Peru, having crossed the Pacific Ocean. He had left the Polynesian island of Raroia 101 days previously and the raft was constructed according to traditional methods.
Quite apart from being an amazing piece of seamanship, Thor Heyerdahl single-handedly showed that migration theories would have to be re-thought, since mankind would have been far more mobile in the past than had been imagined possible.
Born in Larvik, southern Norway, in 1914, Thor Heyerdahl studied geography and zoology at Oslo University before travelling to Polynesia to study the flora and fauna. It was here that he became interested in demography, as he began to wonder how the Polynesian Islands had become populated.
Scientists had believed that it had been populated by migrations from the west, yet Heyerdahl noticed that the ocean currents and flora indicated that the first inhabitants had come from the east – South America. It was for this reason that he based the construction methods of his raft, the Kontiki, on traditional Indian balsa craft, used for hundreds of years by Indian fishermen. Having proved that the journey could be made on such a craft, Thor Heyerdahl wrote many chapters of history with this expedition.
He made many other expeditions after this, the most famous being with the crafts RA I, RA II and the Tigris, always proving that ancient construction and navigational methods had been severely underestimated by modern maritime authorities.
In 1999, he launched the Thor Heyerdahl International Maritime Environmental Award, together with the Norwegian Shipowners’ Association. This award is attributed annually for those who contribute towards the improvement of the global environment, act as an inspiration for new environmental measures to be implemented or who enhance shipping as a means of transport.
More than a great sailor, Thor Heyerdahl was a pioneer in the rediscovery of ancient techniques which prove that the world is, and has always been, a global village. He rediscovered for us knowledge long since lost.